Tourist center parking lot in CB. 1 of 35
On the road. 2 of 35
Nice views along the way. 3 of 35
Winding our way down the valley. 4 of 35
West of Schofield Pass. 5 of 35
Schofield Park. 6 of 35
Narrow road indeed. 7 of 35
JimM checks out one of the waterfalls. 8 of 35
Regroup and review. 9 of 35
Dudley on the DRZ. 10 of 35
JimM gets a wash job. 11 of 35
Devil's Punch Bowl section. 12 of 35
Below the Punch Bowl. 13 of 35
It was right about there... 14 of 35
It was steeper than it looks. 15 of 35
The town of Crystal. 16 of 35
Old sign. 17 of 35
The Crystal Mill. 18 of 35
What a crew... 19 of 35
Route through Lead King Basin. 20 of 35
Views in Lead King Basin. 21 of 35
Views in Lead King Basin. 22 of 35
Views in Lead King Basin. 23 of 35
Views in Lead King Basin. 24 of 35
Marble blocks in Marble. 25 of 35
The Redstone Inn. 26 of 35
Lunch at the Redstone Inn; yummy. 27 of 35
The steep section. 28 of 35
Right over the edge! 29 of 35
JimM in the aspen. 30 of 35
Dudley, also. 31 of 35
And JackG. 32 of 35
Important sign. 33 of 35
WA and JackG on Carbon Tr. 34 of 35
Dudley does a Laugh-In tip-over. 35 of 35
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